MMT Consult

Helping companies
on their cloud journey

Are you looking for an experienced IT architect with experience in both building and completing projects?

Trusted and certified expert

As a certified Microsoft Partner, I pride myself on my expertise in delivering cutting-edge solutions and services. With a continuous focus on Microsoft products, services, and certifications, I ensure updated knowledge and skills in Microsoft technologies. As a Microsoft CSP reseller, I can offer seamless access to Microsoft's cloud services, licenses, and support while providing our customers with a comprehensive range of innovative and tailored solutions to meet their unique business needs.


Why work with me?

Why work with me?

My role is individually defined for each project.
Below is a range of examples on how I have helped and continue to help customers.

13 years of experience

Working as the customer's advisor on projects where the customer wanted an independent advisor and architect on a project.

Azure cloud solution specialist

Working as the customer's advisor on projects where the customer wanted an independent advisor and architect on a project.

Building the right way

Working as the customer's advisor on projects where the customer wanted an independent advisor and architect on a project.

Areas of expertise

How can I help you?

My role is individually defined for each project.
Below is a range of examples on how I have helped and continue to help customers.

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